Art & Ecology: Manifesto for “Sensitive Worlds” (Season 3, NEXT)


(French version here)

What if our current ecological crisis was first and foremost a crisis of sensitivity in our relationship with living worlds? What if the magic of raising awareness was in the hands of the artists among us?

This is the challenge of Season 3 of the NEXT series, entitled, Les Mondes Sensibles, which will draw up, in the manner of a soap opera, the intersecting portraits of artists & their creations, immersed in ecological concerns.The series is scheduled for release in November 2023, with the first 6 episodes.

Art is not a luxury, it’s a necessity.Artists have the ability to do what numbers, graphs and militant rhetoric alone can’t: touch the heart and mind. A captivating cliché, a haunting melody, a stand-up act or a powerful literary text can awaken emotions that open the way to deeper awareness. It’s not just a question of entertainment, but of awakening. Art speaks to us on a visceral level, triggering a kind of introspection and reflection that statistics cannot.

We live in the age of the Anthropocene, a period defined by the indelible human footprint left on our planet. In this context, the ecological emergency is more pressing than ever.While science and activist discourse play a crucial role in bringing about change, they can also tend to go unheard. Art, on the other hand, offers a singular perspective and affective dimension that can resonate more deeply with the human soul.

All too often, the discourse surrounding ecology creates divisions. It can become a battleground between the skeptical and the convinced, between the old world and the new. Art, on the other hand, transcends these divisions.It doesn’t preach: it inspires. It doesn’t divide: it unites around a shared experience, however complex and ambiguous.

In our documentary series, « Sensitive Worlds » (NEXT season 3), we give the floor to artists who embody this synergy between art and ecology. Whether comedians, visual artists, musicians, writers or photographers, they all put their creativity at the service of an ecological message. They demonstrate that art can indeed be a form of activism, but one that speaks to the complexity of human emotions and paves the way for lasting transformation. In our 3rd Season, we invite everyone to embrace art-ecology as a means of re-enchanting our relationship with the natural world, not as a last chance, but as a new opportunity for a future in harmony.

In a world drowned in greenwashing, by “greener than the rest” labels and other clean cars or eco-friendly airplanes, the artists we’ve been filming here since the summer of 2022 carry within them, we believe, the key to another kind of awareness: the awakening of the sensitive.

To make sure you don’t miss out on the release of the first 6 episodes this autumn, or on screenings in your town, sign up for the NEXT Season 3 newsletter here. For those who wish, you can already join the financial supporters of the series on Patreon or PayPal. We’re not directly planting trees with this money, no, but we’re doing our best to sow seeds of possibility in the minds of as many people as possible, in the hope of a more liveable world for us and our children. The budget for Season 3 is €76,000, and we still have €28,000 to raise. That’s 14,000 people who would give us the equivalent of a “pint” .

A fine day to all of you who have made it this far.

Clément Montfort — Producer / Director.

ThePassengerStudio.Com — 2023

Click here to discover the first 2 seasons (2018 and 2019)

